Friday, May 15, 2020

This semester we have been studying various philosophers,...

This semester we have been studying various philosophers, and from those philosophers only one has been able to get ethics right and that would be David Hume. David Hume presents a very compelling argument to previous philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine who tie their ethics to God, and in which Hume says we don’t need God to be ethical. David Hume goes on arguing that all humans have emotions and since we have emotions we should act on them instead of suppressing them. Another argument Hume presents is the way we are judged by our actions and how our actions are based on emotion; he says we should just move on and let go of the past since it has already happened and since the action was made on our emotions. Hume’s†¦show more content†¦Another key concept that Hume argues is that we don’t need God to be ethical because God is merely a complex idea formed in our heads. In David Hume: Reason In History Claudia Schmidt states, â€Å"an established maxim in metaphysics, that whatever the mind clearly conceives includes the idea of possible existence, or in other words, that nothing we imagine is absolutely impossible.† For example, since we can formulate â€Å"the idea of a golden mountain,† we may conclude that such a mountain may actually exist.† In this quote, Claudia Schmidt is elaborating on Hume’s theory that God does not exist because he is just something we imagined. In other words, if we thought of the idea then it is just a complex idea, and therefore can’t impose us to be ethical or be the reason why we act as we do. Reason is another major key concept I use to tie Hume’s philosophy to my contentious issue. Inactive reason means that reason cannot be the reason why we choose to do good or bad/evil. Our actions can be applauded or be criticized as bad, but our actions cannot be categorized under reasonable or unreasonable because according to Hume we don’t use reason to motivate us we use emotions/passion and our personal emotions that caused us to do whatever action cannot be felt by another. As a supporting keyShow MoreRelatedComapring Gardners Model to the Theory of John Dewey2342 Words   |  10 PagesPhilosophers are part of history, caught in its movement; creators perhaps in some measure of its future, but also assuredly creatures of its past.-John Dewey American philosopher, social commentator, idealist, educator, and democratic theorist, John Dewey has had a profound impact on Americas educational system. 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