Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay about The Kings Speech - 1188 Words
While The Kings Speech draws upon a number of historical facts and events, this is not its primary concern. The film is about the effect of a person’s family on how the person develops. For example, in The Kings Speech, King George VI’s brother abdicating and his father’s cruelty played a part in his stammer and lack of confidence. The film is also about the importance of a secure support system, for example Queen Elizabeth and Lionel Logue were Berties support system and they helped him overcome his stammer and lack of confidence. A third important issue in the film is about the different approach to class distinction by British and Australian people, as shown by the expectations of Bertie and Queen Elizabeth that Lionel Logue will do†¦show more content†¦Nobody wants to hear that, me least of all†(Hooper, 2010). Also, â€Å"I am not a King, I am a naval officer. I’m not a king, I’m not a king†(The Kings Speech, 2010). The p sychological effect his brother abdicating had on him, was enough to send him back to Logue for more therapy. Bertie was fortunate to find that his wife, Elizabeth, gave him the love and support he did not receive from his own family. She was his backbone. At the start of the film, when George had given up and he said â€Å"promise me, no more†(The Kings Speech, 2010), she believed in him and knew she had to keep trying to find the right person to help him. It was only through her efforts, that they found Logue. Throughout the film, whenever George was giving a speech, she would be there in support of him. â€Å"I’m sure you’ll do great†(The Kings Speech, 2010) were her words of encouragement before Berties final speech on the war against Germany in the film. The love and encouragement of a persons partner can help the person achieve great things. The fact that Logue was Australian was also an important element to helping Bertie overcome his difficul ties. The approach to class distinction of Australians is different to the approach of British people. British people believe strongly in social hierarchy. Being Queen, Elzabeths high expectations revolve around respectfulness and full cooperation of the subject. The laid back personality ofShow MoreRelatedKings Speech Intertextuality1357 Words  | 6 PagesHow does Tom Hooper use intertextuality in his film The King’s Speech? Stage 1 English SACE ID: 532883T The King’s Speech is a 2010 movie directed by Tom Hooper which explores the plight of Prince Albert, who has an awful speech impediment, in his reluctant ascension to the throne. Intertextual references to specific external texts, such as Peter Pan, the Tempest, Swanee River and Hamlet, are used proficiently throughout the film to examine and emphasise a range of broader themes of duty, friendshipRead MoreThe Impact Of The March And King Speech917 Words  | 4 Pagescomparatively lesser known fact about the Washington March was the fact that is was completed without any violence. It also displayed the support of a lot of white citizens demanding equal rights for their â€Å"black†friends. The impact of the March and King’ speech was so huge, that even after decades people believe these to be the high points of the entire Civil Rights Movement. It was one of the classiest protests in the history of America bringing together people of different races, financia l standingRead MoreDr. King s Speech986 Words  | 4 PagesOn August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the great Civil Rights activist, delivered one of the most powerful, influential, and famous speeches, I Have a Dream, to thousands of citizens at the Washington D.C. Lincoln Memorial. Dr. King s memorable speech occurred in a dire moment of the Civil Rights movement. His argumentative speech persuaded people in opposition to civil rights by using different methods of rhetorical appeal. Dr. King s speech was so interesting, because of the combinationRead MoreThe King s Speech Analysis1301 Words  | 6 PagesBasic Information The King’s Speech was released in the United States in 2010 with its world premiere September 6, 2010, at the Telluride Film Festival in the United States according to The movie was produced by See-Saw Films, Weinstein Company, The UK Film Council, Momentum Pictures, Aegis Film Fund, Molinare Investment, Film Nation Entertainment, and Bedlam Productions. The director Tom Hooper won the Best Director Academy Award for this movie. David Seidler who also overcame a stammerRead MoreDr. King s Speech913 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior delivered a speech on civil rights in the midst of segregated America. Dr. King begins by recounting the historical events surrounding the enslavement of African Americans, which effectively paves the way for his discussion on current events. He states that the African American is still ‘not free’ because of the unequal rights/status given to them. Dr. King instructs the followers of the moveme nt to proceed peacefully. He also contends with those opposeRead MoreThe King s Speech Essay1318 Words  | 6 PagesThe movie The King’s Speech is about Prince Albert, Duke of York, who later becomes King George VI. The story focuses on the treatment of his speech impediment, a stammer, and the friendship he develops with his speech therapist, Lionel Logue. Throughout Prince Albert’s, or Bertie’s, treatment he unexpectedly finds himself on the throne. Bertie’s wife, Elizabeth, is another important character, who stands by his side through it all. It is a heartwarming story about friendship, loyalty, and trustRead MoreThe King Speech: The Story of King George VI521 Words  | 2 Pagesthe child’s abilities to learn and inhibit speech is very crucial. Having a speech impediment can be caused by the lack of the influential role of the parents during their linguistic phase of their development. The King’s Speech is the story of King George VI (Bertie’s) struggle to overcome his speech impediment and become the king that no one believed he could be. In the beginning, Bertie is known as the Duke of York, he works with many different speech therapists to help him with his stammeringRead MoreKings Speech Rhetorical Analysis1766 Words  | 8 PagesConvincing them that a personal piece of art, whether it be a painting, a novel or a movie, is different than all the rest. Rhetoricians create an author’s idea, their own unique perception of reality, for a vast and diverse viewing audience. The Kings Speech is a movie about talking, and the importance of talking well. The way humans communicate is really the most important challenge we face in our everyday lives. Speaking is hugely important on an intimate, personal level; when the task is to interactRead MoreThe Kings Speech By Colin Firth1992 Words  | 8 PagesThe Kings speech is a movie made in 2010 depicting King George VI‘s sudden usurping to the throne of Great Britain and his personal turbulent anxious battle to overcome his debilitating stammer that had plagued him for all of his adult life. As part of his duty as King, George VI would need to address the public with speeches in person and via radio, something that he found excruciatingly difficult and crippling to do due to his stammer. Throughout the movie, Colin Firth, the actor who depicts theRead MoreEssay on King Claudius Speech491 Words  | 2 PagesKing Claudius Speech I will be comparing and contrasting the impression that we get of the new King Claudius. I will be doing this by looking at his first speech and the speech in Act 3, Scene III. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
This semester we have been studying various philosophers,...
This semester we have been studying various philosophers, and from those philosophers only one has been able to get ethics right and that would be David Hume. David Hume presents a very compelling argument to previous philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine who tie their ethics to God, and in which Hume says we don’t need God to be ethical. David Hume goes on arguing that all humans have emotions and since we have emotions we should act on them instead of suppressing them. Another argument Hume presents is the way we are judged by our actions and how our actions are based on emotion; he says we should just move on and let go of the past since it has already happened and since the action was made on our emotions. Hume’s†¦show more content†¦Another key concept that Hume argues is that we don’t need God to be ethical because God is merely a complex idea formed in our heads. In David Hume: Reason In History Claudia Schmidt states, â€Å"an established maxim in metaphysics, that whatever the mind clearly conceives includes the idea of possible existence, or in other words, that nothing we imagine is absolutely impossible.†For example, since we can formulate â€Å"the idea of a golden mountain,†we may conclude that such a mountain may actually exist.†In this quote, Claudia Schmidt is elaborating on Hume’s theory that God does not exist because he is just something we imagined. In other words, if we thought of the idea then it is just a complex idea, and therefore can’t impose us to be ethical or be the reason why we act as we do. Reason is another major key concept I use to tie Hume’s philosophy to my contentious issue. Inactive reason means that reason cannot be the reason why we choose to do good or bad/evil. Our actions can be applauded or be criticized as bad, but our actions cannot be categorized under reasonable or unreasonable because according to Hume we don’t use reason to motivate us we use emotions/passion and our personal emotions that caused us to do whatever action cannot be felt by another. As a supporting keyShow MoreRelatedComapring Gardners Model to the Theory of John Dewey2342 Words  | 10 PagesPhilosophers are part of history, caught in its movement; creators perhaps in some measure of its future, but also assuredly creatures of its past.-John Dewey American philosopher, social commentator, idealist, educator, and democratic theorist, John Dewey has had a profound impact on Americas educational system. 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Ana National High School†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreSAT Top 30 Essay Evidence18536 Words  | 75 PagesP age |1 Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence An exclusive special report from By Christian Heath P age |2 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer) ................................................................................................ 5 ChristopherRead MoreA Study on Retail Loans12064 Words  | 49 Pages M.B.A. 4th SEMESTER P.D.M. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BAHADURGARH MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY :- Each and every study has some significance. The significance of my study is to find out the preferences of the various customers regarding the various Banking Institiution. In today’s scenario there are various Banking Instittutions available in the market which are providing various Banking service regarding the loan
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Applied Marxism Essay - 1234 Words
Liberalism is a theory that claims to have certain benefits that it does not provide. Karl Marx believes that the founders have liberalism did not understand that human nature and predicted the actions of society incorrectly. Marx uses history to explain what needs to happen in the future, his interpretation of human nature is more accurate. Marx decides to write the Communist Manifesto to apply Marxism for Communism is only applied Marxism. The Manifesto gives a summary of Communism so that it can be better understood and can be applied. Marx explains the history of classes and often states that the Liberalist view is incorrect in their studies, Marx’s theories are more accurate and provide better understanding of the current situation.†¦show more content†¦Poets, writers and political scientists studied the Industrial Revolution and found that many aspects were not what was predicted. Many believed the free market gave opportunity to everyone, even the poor, but rea lly it only made the rich richer and the poor poorer. The middle class began to become more wealthy and the gap between the rich and poor increased greatly. The free market creates a mindset that everyone is for themselves and you need to fight for yourself only. This gives an advantage to those who have more to begin with and doesn’t allow the less fortunate to become rich or successful. As this continues to happen, the lower class or the Proletariat class will grow larger. In the Communist Manifesto Marx uses the second chapter to relate Communists and Proletariats. Marx states that there are three goals of Communists. The first is to form the Proletariats into a class. The second is to overthrow the Bourgeois supremacy and the third is to gain all political power. Through these three steps a Communist state would be instituted and the nation could begin the other steps of establishing a just society. The most radical part about transferring to a Communist state is overthro wing the Bourgeois supremacy because this can create chaos and fear. Marx feels it is the most necessary part and nothing can happen without it happening. After the revolution several steps are taken to insure the Communist state. The first begins with theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Marxism Applied to the Modern State1216 Words  | 5 PagesElitism, Marxism, and pluralism are all political theories that can be used to understand how the modern state as we understand a live in it today functions. All three theories highlight the importance of different things and stress successes or failures of the state to be attributed to different functions or aspects of state operations. 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(Them concepts of this current is have applied to the study of them means of communication newspapers, magazinesRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Bertell Ollman953 Words  | 4 PagesAfter reading the Communist Manifesto, I was deeply thinking of how Marxism theory be applied in contemporary society and how much benefit it brings to this developing modern world. What will things be look like after the revolution could be a questions often put to Marxists. But the answers are frequently unclear and vague. Since socialism emerges out of capitalism as a result of a successful struggle against it by the working class, the specific measures introduced by the revolutionary socialistRead MoreMarxism and the Negro Problem by W.E.B. Du Bois Essay example632 Words  | 3 PagesMohammad Abdullah Africa American History II Prà ©cis – Chapter 21 Marxism and the Negro Problem by W.E.B. Du Bois In this essay, W.E.B. Du Bois attempts to analyze Marxism and how it might be interpreted and applied as a solution to the problems facing Black people in the United States. Marxism, is basically an economic theory and philosophy that was put forward by Karl Marx in the late 19th century that explains the mechanisms of the system of capitalism as it relates to the different classesRead MoreMarxism in Metropolis Essay633 Words  | 3 Pagesabout modern day theories and views. The movie entails many views on Marxism, capitalism, Industrialism, and organized religion, mostly. Marxism is supported in the movie, capitalism is not supported in the movie, Industrialism is partially supported, and Organized Religion is not supported. Marxism is shown is supported in Metropolis by showing the horrid results of what could have been prevented if Marxism had been used. Marxism is the theory that the working class deserves respect, because withoutRead MoreEssay on Karl Marx And Marxism710 Words  | 3 Pages Karl Marx and Marxism nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Karl Marx set the wheels of modern Communism and Socialism in motion with his writings in the late nineteenth century. In collaboration with his friend, Heinrich Engels, he produced the The Communist Manifesto, written in 1848. Many failed countries political and socio-economic structures have been based on Marxs theories, for example the USSR, East Germany etc. Many people believe that Marxism is not applicable to todays society, as KarlRead MoreCommunism And Marxist Ideologies And The Soviet Union912 Words  | 4 PagesEastern Europe, specifically, Poland through the communist Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR). In this paper I aim to address the reason why communism and Marxist ideologies were unsuccessfully received in post war Poland. I will be arguing *that Marxism was made into a tool of oppression by the Soviet Union, and therefore became illegitimate in itself. I intend on arguing this theory by investigating the goal of the Soviet Union. In addition to this I will identifying instances where the Soviets
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Food & Beverage Management Bentley Restaurant-Samples for Students
Qustion: Discuss about the Food and Beverage Management of Bentley Restaurant. Answer: Introduction Bentley Restaurant cum bar was inaugurated by Chef Brent Savage and Sommelier Nick Hildebrandt in 2006. It is one of the famous restaurants in Sydney where they serve quality food to the customers in a relaxed atmosphere. The restaurant also introduced international boutiques of wine for their customers. The executive chef of the restaurant Brent Savage has won Chef of the Year award in 2015 by Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Award. The restaurant has also won the award of the Australias Best Wine List (the 2017). The restaurant offers special dining experience in an industrial area of Sydney. This paper will analyze the interview of the executive chef of the hotel. The chef manages the front of house operation as well as the back of house operation. The restaurant is famous for its popular cuisines which are prepared by the world famous chef at an affordable cost. The chef checks that there is proper co-ordination between the staffs and assist them accordingly. The co st of operation of the restaurant and the bar is also managed by the chef. This is essential and it will benefit both the customers as well as the management of the restaurant (Benavides-Velasco et al. 2014). Analysis of the Interview Findings Type of hospitality managed by the chef The executive chef of Bentley Restaurant tries to build reputation with the customers by interacting with them and knowing their needs and demands. The chef also provides training to the kitchen brigades and thus develops and manages them accordingly. It is one of the leading restaurant and its founders have earned good reputation for excellence in food and wine services. The restaurant also provides a-la-carta menus and a fun bar menu for a various purposes (Ali and Amin 2014.). There are special vegetarian dishes which are prepared by the chef and it has earned swag of industry awards. The restaurant also has provision of corporate dinner other than private dining area. The chef of the restaurant implements new ideas and brings innovation in the restaurant. This has attracted the customers and thus they refer their friends and families to visit the restaurant. This innovation has increased the profitability of the restaurant (Gin Choi et al. 2013). The executive chef of the restaur ant possesses excellent cooking skills and thus is able to convince the co-workers and the kitchen brigades. The chef also confronts various kinds of challenges and has been awarded with various awards every year. The executive chef of Bentley Restaurant who is also the founder of the restaurant has opened various other branches such as the Monopole, Cirrus and many more. The chef also visits the customers and interacts with them to know about their needs and demands. The chef also takes initiative to provide a 5 course tasting menu at an affordable rate to the customers on Saturdays so that they can spend their weekend happily. An 8 course tasting menu accompanied by wine is also provided to the customers at an affordable rate. The chef also mentioned that he tries to bring improvement in the food quality and thus change the taste of the food (Karatepe et al. 2015). Maintaining the cost control of front of house operation The front of house operation includes management of the customer service, planning various types of restaurant promotion, designing the dining area and the bar, managing the training staff and many more. The front of house operation reflects the concept of the restaurant and it is only that area which is visible to the public. The chef has mentioned that to attain profitability and to maintain the restaurant, it is vital that the food cost is generated between 28% and 35% without hampering the food quality (Jani and Han 2014). The menu of the restaurant is prepared in such a way so that it can easily be altered if one particular cuisine is not available. The cost which is incurred from food affects the bottom line of the business if it is too high. The chef has laid greater emphasis on providing alternative cuisines so that the customers do not return disappointed. The chef has also trained the staffs in such a way so that they can handle the customer complaints in an excellent way. The customer who visits the restaurant appreciates the warm hospitality which is provided by the staffs of Bentley restaurant. The chef also announces happy hours in the restaurant with drinks and special dinner menu and thus it plays an important role in promotion. It can be said that the front of house operation plays a major role in promotion of Bentley restaurant (Leung et al. 2015). Maintaining the cost control in the back of house operation The back of house operation is associated with housekeeping, food and other services in the restaurant. It is basically that area which is not visible to the customers. The chef has to play a vital role in the back of house operation and manage the kitchen technology and the other services of the restaurant. The chef also takes special care in streamlining food preparation and thus this improves the revenue of the restaurant. The chef manages the weekly inventories and the monthly inventories and this helps in keeping a track of the restaurant. The losses of the restaurant are also identified by the chef and this helps the management to improve the profitability of the restaurant. The chef also takes initiative in preparing special menu for festive seasons. They also take care of the administrative tasks and thus hire the kitchen staffs according to their specialization (Molina-Azorn et al. 2015). Financial cost control method used in daily business operation There is huge cost which is involved in each stage of operation of the restaurant. This also helps in mitigation of the problem which is faced in the restaurant. The chef has mentioned that it is necessary to maintain the quality and standard of food. Steps must also be taken to improve the hygiene condition in the restaurant. Proper training must also be provided to the staffs so that they can understand their duties and roles properly. There are also certain standard procedures which are followed by the chef for the preparation of food items (Nieves and Segarra-Cipres 2015). Evaluation of the findings and its effectiveness in managing food service operation It has been found that the chef has to overcome the challenges and provide quality food to the customers. The main role of the chef is to implement new ideas and plans and thus improve the business of the restaurant. The chef also has to monitor the activities of the restaurant and thus provides them necessary training so as to improve customer service. It has also been analyzed and found that the chef prepares the menu in such a way so that it can be easily altered if any particular cuisine is not available (Saleem and Raja 2014). It is also important to track and manage the inventory cost so as to reduce the wastage of food in the restaurant. It is also important to change the menu of the restaurant and thus include the traditional cuisines so as to attract the customers. The chef must take proper care that the customers are served food in appropriate time and they do not get disappointed by the service. Greater emphasis must also be provided to cost control methods which is taken by the management as well as the chef. Further, interaction with the customers has also helped the chef in knowing the demands of the customers. Thus, it is vital that the chef carries out the duties in a responsible manner (Sachs et al. 2014) Reference List Ali, F. and Amin, M., 2014. The influence of physical environment on emotions, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in Chinese resort hotel industry.Journal for Global Business Advancement,7(3), pp.249-266. Benavides-Velasco, C.A., Quintana-Garca, C. and Marchante-Lara, M., 2014. Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, pp.77-87. Gin Choi, Y., Kwon, J. and Kim, W., 2013. Effects of attitudes vs experience of workplace fun on employee behaviors: Focused on Generation Y in the hospitality industry.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,25(3), pp.410-427. Jani, D. and Han, H., 2014. Personality, satisfaction, image, ambience, and loyalty: Testing their relationships in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,37, pp.11-20. Karatepe, O.M., Beirami, E., Bouzari, M. and Safavi, H.P., 2014. Does work engagement mediate the effects of challenge stressors on job outcomes? Evidence from the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,36, pp.14-22. Leung, X.Y., Bai, B. and Stahura, K.A., 2015. The marketing effectiveness of social media in the hotel industry: A comparison of Facebook and Twitter.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,39(2), pp.147-169. Molina-Azorn, J.F., Tar, J.J., Pereira-Moliner, J., Lpez-Gamero, M.D. and Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., 2015. The effects of quality and environmental management on competitive advantage: A mixed methods study in the hotel industry.Tourism Management,50, pp.41-54. Nieves, J. and Segarra-Ciprs, M., 2015. Management innovation in the hotel industry.Tourism Management,46, pp.51-58. Sachs, C., Allen, P., Terman, A.R., Hayden, J. and Hatcher, C., 2014. Front and back of the house: Socio-spatial inequalities in food work.Agriculture and Human Values,31(1), pp.3-17. Saleem, H. and Raja, N.S., 2014. The impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and brand image: Evidence from hotel industry of Pakistan.Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,19(5), pp.706-711. the 2017.Bentley Restaurant and bar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017].
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