Sunday, February 23, 2020

Marketing Myopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Myopia - Essay Example Petroleum industry was never been continuously a growth industry. When so ever products innovation took place industry has to face challenges. Customer Orientation: Most of the industries are still product oriented than customer oriented. They are preoccupied with their specific products and do not want to change their products or vary their products according to the wishes and need of the customers. Even best companies like Detriot or Ford who have adopted best practices in the industry are not customer oriented. Some of the companies like nylon and glass industry specifically E.I. du pont de nemours and Corning Glass Work are successful not due to technical competence and product orientation but due to throughout customer oriented policies. It is constant watchfulness for opportunities to apply their technical know - how to creation of customer satisfying uses that accounts for their prodigious output of successful new product. Myopic Vision: Industry failure attributed to their faulty, narrow, short term and temporary vision. Due to poor conceptualization companies may not be able to offer more value to their customers and become ineffective. Improperly defined purposes as in the case of railroads and Hollywood films prove fatal for the industry. This narrow vision always results in the stagnation of industries. Most of the industries that define its vision so narrowly, lack of imagination, lacking the will to survive, do not satisfy public inventiveness and skill results in premature demise. Product Innovation: industries which are pretty content with their growth moves into comfort zone and never been able to think imaginatively. They have never been able to develop new products and vary their product according to their customer needs. At times industries not bother to think about product innovation. Petroleum industry is the distressing example of how complacency and wrong headedness can stubbornly convert opportunities into disaster. Most of their product improvement came from outside of the industry. Research & Development: Industries, which are heavily dependent on research and development process and mass production, could not be able to pay more attention on customers need. The top management of the company is wholly transfixed by the profit possibilities of technical research and development. Company's top management heavy with scientist, researchers and technical people seldom knows the exact situation of the market and customer requirements. They are product oriented rather than customer oriented. Part-2 Now in the present situation where information flows across the globe and people are aware and connected with almost all parts of the World marketing management has taken newer dimensions. Marketing can simply be defined, as "meeting needs profitably". (Kotler). Management theorist Peter defined marketing, as "The aim of marketing is to make selling super flows. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or services fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy." (Drucker). "Marketing management is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Principles of Job Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Principles of Job Design - Essay Example A good job design will lead to lower staff or employee turnover as well as less absenteeism. Basically, staff turnover refers to the amount of time a worker spends within an organisation from the first day at that new job to the last (Rollinson et al 2008). When employees are satisfied with their jobs, they will be motivated to stay longer and this will positively contribute to the growth and development of the organisation. This means that there will be lower costs for the organisation and it will make life easier for the HRM. There will also be lower costs in recruiting new employees given that the efforts of the HRM will be specifically focused on training and developing the employees already working in the organisation in order for them to keep pace with the changes that may take place within the company. This will also enable the loyal employees to gain the much needed experience required for them to complete the tasks assigned to them. Job design can affect job satisfaction in many ways. People are more satisfied when certain things are present in a job so it is important for the HRM to identify these things (Rollinson et al 2008). Factors such as opportunity for promotion or the use of an employee’s particular talents or skills can contribute to job satisfaction which will entail lower staff turnover. This translates to mean improved profitability for the organisation as well as general worker satisfaction in the workplace. It can also be noted that job design can affect both physical and mental health of different employees within the workplace. There will be fewer chances of employees suffering from stress related... This paper stresses that the major constraint of adopting a new modern job design is that it may be expensive to the organisation given that a lot of resources would be needed to train the employees to meet the standard expectations of the organisation’s operations. Whilst it is a good idea to give due consideration to the needs of the employees, there is also need for the organisation to have a clearly defined line of authority which can make it easier for the responsible people to monitor and manage performance in the organisation. If everyone is given the power to make decisions in their operations, the organisation may not be able to pull the efforts of all the individuals towards the attainment of the set organisational goals since the individuals have different goals which may not be the same as the organisation’s. Tjis report makes a concluison that the main difference between the modern approach to job design and Tayloristic principles is that the modern job design puts more emphasis on the human needs while the while the mechanist approach is mainly concerned with productivity of the organisation. However, some of the Tayloristic principles are still relevant in today’s organisation depending on the nature of the industry concerned. The likely problem with implementing a modern job design is that it can be expensive for the organisation to train and develop all the workers such that they can be able to make decisions on their own. The other problem is that they may have different views about the organisational goals.