Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Apple Disruptive Innovation free essay sample
The next products and services to be leased by the company did not only save the business but also [Dyer, Greenest Christensen, 2011]made a substantial impact in the global music industry which at the time was plagued with piracy. The digital hub strategy was an encompassing innovative strategy developed by Apple that rejuvenated the personal computer market, disrupted digital publishing and the music industry. The digital hub strategy took advantage that its discovery driven manager understood the capabilities of Apple has a business.The capabilities of the business was based on three main factors which are, its resources, its processes and its values. When these factors are meshed together with the DNA, vision and creativity of its leader, a resulting disruptive innovation was developed in the technology industry as a whole [Christensen,1997]. The tangible resources at Apple at the time the innovative digital hub strategy was developed consists of some discovery-driven people who were part of the initial team Apple started out with on the Apple l. We will write a custom essay sample on Apple Disruptive Innovation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These people have over the years been involved with experimenting and launching of innovative products during the early days of Apple as a company. Another tangible resources also available was he technologies Apple had. It was believed that Apple was the only company which owned the whole widget the hardware, the software and the operating system [Caisson, 2012] and could deliver an end to end solution, thereby controlling the user experience from all front. To create this digital hub, Apple had to depend mostly on the capabilities of the mimic, firework, the Macintosh and the ability of its software and hardware engineers to produce simple intuitive programs and products respectively. To elaborate further on the latter, Apple with its processes formal and informal always ensures across all teams communication, interaction and strong collaboration between its software and hardware engineers to transform resources into products and services[Christensen,1997]. The first foray into the digital market was with video.Apple realized that by creating a program that allows a user to not only record videos but can allow for personalization and recreation of a recorded video. According to Steve Jobs, this makes your camcorder ten times more valuable [Caisson, 2012]. This lead to the production of software applications or editing and which also allows the user burn digital videos to a DVD drive; movie, DVD. Similarly, technology of a consumer dri ve that could burn a DVD which Apple was the first to ship [Caisson, 2012]. The main drive for this complete innovation in the digital video market was to make the portable device easy to use by removing complicated functionalities manufacturers had cramped into these devices. The same strategy Nas used in digital photography. The mimic became the hub for portable cameras and software application; photo for editing pictures. However, there was an already existing competitor in this market, but because of the success of DVD and movie in digital video, creative people were more inclined to try out software applications developed by Apple for digital photography as well.As was mentioned above, the idea of a digital hub strategy embodied all classes of innovation incremental, radical, sustaining and disruptive. At this point where there was impact in the digital died and photography market, Apple was both incrementally and radically innovating in terms of technology focus but in a sustaining way to acquire more market share to remain in the technology market. The disruptive moment came for the company when it ventured into using the same strategy in the digital music market. The foray into the digital music was in similar fashion as into other digital markets.Learning from its mistake of not producing computers that had the ability to burn CDC, Apple developed software applications that made portable music devices ten times more valuable, Greenland for creating and mixing music; tunes for competition in this market, Apple was able to make an impact in the music revolution that was going on at the time by making tunes really simple and removing lots of extraction other music managing software had at the time. This in itself didnt disrupt the market but what came next did. In the same year, the company introduced its own portable media player the pod.The pod at the time of release questioned all the status quo concerning music and technology. It was the only media player that could hold up to a thousand songs and could fit into a pocket ultramontane. To realism this ultra portability, a lot of creative effort was put into the technology of hard drive th at was thin and small enough. Once this technology was achieved, combined with Apples own technology of firework fast transfer, it was easy enough to disrupt the music player market by producing a device that embodied the values of Apple in simplicity in marrying art, design and technology.Ninth complete integration with its own music management software, the device was simple and intuitive enough, because most functionalists where put in tunes that made the pod ten times more valuable. Cannibal Illumined Syllabi 1263626 sides owning the hardware that delivered great music experience and the software that managed music in the most intuitive and simple way, Apples aim to liver the best experience with music wasnt complete as there was no control of Inhere users acquired their music from.Moreover, at the time the music industry was trying so hard to resolve the issue of privacy. Apple realized early that one of the important use of the internet was for music delivery as it gives users near instant preview and mo st of all allowed for unauthorized usage of music. To solve the latter Nas the main need for the music industry. Apple was able to deliver a solution with the tunes store, which managed the technologies available the internet and a huge USIA database to provide a legal way for users to acquire music. The most part was getting the main players in the music industry to realism that Apple was the only company that could solve the problem as they had the hardware, software and could create a service that uses these resources. The role of Steve Jobs as the head of Apple was important in creating this service as he understood the great divide between the art industry as a whole and the technology industry [Caisson, 2012]. Ere creative people lacked how to maximize technology to their advantage which he noticed during his time at Paxar.Likewise, the technology industry had major shortfalls in creative designs when it came to their products. He leveraged on his capabilities to relate with suppliers, distributors and customers of the music Industry. With over 200,000 music available at launch, unbinding purchase of singles from an album and close integration with tunes which eliminates poor management of music files, the tunes Store, tunes and the pod disrupted the hole music and technolo gy industry.Finally, it can be said that the whole digital hub strategy could only have been delivered by Apple which understood its abilities of having resources like Steve Jobs a discovery driven manager and other people like him, a brand, different technologies and expertise which have been developed over time, processes that ensure close collaboration between teams to transform resources into products and service and values that reflect simplicity by blurring the line between art, design and technology. This strategy would begin the transformation of Apple from being a computer maker into being the worlds most liable company. [locations, 2012] NH It is Disruptive Disruptive innovation transforms a product or service that was expensive and implicated that only a few people with a lot of money and skills had access to.Disruptive innovation makes it so much more affordable and accessible to a much larger population Christensen Clayton [Christensen,1997] Apple went through the different forms of innovation incremental sustaining innovation, radical sustaining innovation, incremental disruptive innovation and radical disruptive innovation before succeeding in being disruptive. One of the transformation understood, was to change the market context it operated in. Before the digital hub strategy, Apple was leveled to be in the personal computer (PC) market.The PC market was in a decline and it was used mostly for professional use. Software applications were developed to improve producti vity in the business context. Figure 1: Business Model Personal Computers User 70% Business Professionals 30% Everyday Creative Individuals Value Capture Value Creation Improved Productivity Value Prop MIDGET Personal Computers Ere digital hub strategy disrupted the PC market in the sense that it made the capabilities of the PC more accessible to a larger population which was everyday retrieve users.Using the same model as seen in Fig. In which the real value creation Nas improved productivity but for creative and art contents like video, photography and music. Despite the fact that manufactures of portable devices that delivered alee creation for creative and art contents tried so hard to cramp more functionalities to improve productivity relating to creating, editing and sharing these content, they got to a point of producing products that became complicated and difficult to use. Figure 2: Business Model Video Recorders User User Record VideoRecord Video, Personalize, Share MIDGET camcorder Oldie Recorder E re first innovation came from Apple solving this complex model by transferring some of the value creation of the portable devices (e. G video recorder) to the personal computer which was better at handling this functionalities due to its capabilities, for example the PC had a larger screen size. Incremental innovation was also carried out on the personal computer to carry out these functionalities faster. Example is the development of the DVD burn drive that allowed for easy creation and sharing of contents.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God
One German poet metaphorically described love, â€Å"Love is a flower of life†. Can love be the most beautiful aspect in one’s life? Can anyone live a life without love? No one can actually give a lucid answer to this question since everyone gives a different value to love. However, at least, it is true that love is the most valuable sense that humans have as we can see the history of mankind began from Adam and Eve’s love. In that sense, a life without love, perhaps, would be valueless. Zora Neale Hurston stresses this necessity of love in a life as she looks back upon Janie’s life in the novel, â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†. Taking this subject one step further, Hurston also throws out a question; â€Å"What would marriage be like without love?†Hurston provides an answer directly in Janie’s daydream, which is, ‘bees can not live without flowers’. In â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†, Janie, a main character, goes through her life with three different husbands. Her first husband, Logan Killicks, is a man who, with his wealth, provides her food, shelter, and etc. The second husband, Joe Starks, is a man who does not only have wealth but also has great aspirations in his life. With these two perfect-seeming husbands, Janie, ironically, spends most of her married life with repentance and tears. It was not because Janie is not satisfied with their wealth but because these marriages do not contain love. Consequently, as Janie redefines the concept of marriage during her unpleasant married life with these two husbands, she starts to see marriage from a different point of view; â€Å"A marriage needs love†. With this new point of view toward marriage, she meets a man, Tea Cake and falls in love. Surely, her third marriage with Tea Cake is full of flowers since it contains love. â€Å" ’Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, it’s protection. Ah ain’t gittin’ ole, honey. Ah’m done ole.†... Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie is a young girl with dreams who matures into a woman as she lives through three different marriages. Her first marriage is arranged to Logan by her grandmother, who thinks more practically than her. However, she does not love Logan and runs off with Jody. This marriage also turns stale and after Logan’s death she marries once more to Tea Cake which eventually ends with his own tragic death. These three marriages are quite similar in ways, yet Janie gains different experiences from each in her long journey to find herself. Throughout her life, Janie struggles to live life on her own terms as she goes through three periods of her life that are similar, yet definitely vary as Janie ages. The three steps of Janie’s life, which are characterized by each of her three husbands, are very similar in the distinction of Janie’s characteristics and the difficulties in each marriage. Janie wishes for true love and is not content with Logan, her chosen husband. When she visits Nanny, she says, â€Å"Ah wants things sweet wid mah marriage lak when you sit under a pear tree and think.†(23) Throughout her life, Janie wants a real, true, unconditional love. In each marriage, she faced certain uphill battles. For example, as Janie is asked to make a speech at the committee meeting, Jody says, â€Å"Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech-makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s uh woman and her place is in de home.†(40) This shows the sort of space she was limited to in her relationships and she faced one form or another of it throughout her marria ges. In addition, as Tea Cake spoke about beating Janie to Sop-de-Bottom, he said, â€Å"Ah beat her tuh show dem Turners who is boss.†(141) Tea Cake even whips Janie to express his possession of her to Ms. Turner’s brother. Even though Tea Cake just whi... Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God Stages of a Hero Every morning you wake up, early. Think of the reason why, it’s because you have to get to work or you have to get to school. You have to leave your nice warm house, for a cold car so frozen that it won’t even start, the community coffee maker hell that has a life of its own and don’t even get me started on the boss. After a long hard day at work or school you return to your nice, comforting house, only to find that Mr. Tinkles decided to pop a squat in the middle of your white carpet. But finally, after cleaning up the present donated by the lovely Mr. Tinkles, you can relax. But your day has not been a complete waste, you have obtained knowledge that will someday help change the world; and you thought that work was just some evil invention meant to torture you... shame. We all go through these stages of a hero everyday, but does that necessarily make each one of us a hero? In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neal Hursten, the main character, Janie, goes through stages of life that follow those of a traditional hero. She has a call to adventure, a journey, and then returns to a familiar place. Other heroes like Odysseus and even Superman follow these stages in there adventures. Much like Odysseus is called away from his homeland to war, Janie is call to begin her journey into womanhood. She receives numerous calls to adventure, the first of which occurs while she lays under the pear tree. Janie has a sexual awakening while she watches the bees pollinating the flowering buds. She believes that the bees and the tree have a marriage of sorts, and thinks to herself, â€Å"So this is marriage!†and she is â€Å"summoned to behold a revelation†(11). Her revelation is that she wants to have what that pear tree is experiencing. She wants to get married and become a woman. She is young, only sixteen and has â€Å"glossy leaves and bursting buds†(11), and she wants to be married. She marries Logan, w... Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God One German poet metaphorically described love, â€Å"Love is a flower of life†. Can love be the most beautiful aspect in one’s life? Can anyone live a life without love? No one can actually give a lucid answer to this question since everyone gives a different value to love. However, at least, it is true that love is the most valuable sense that humans have as we can see the history of mankind began from Adam and Eve’s love. In that sense, a life without love, perhaps, would be valueless. Zora Neale Hurston stresses this necessity of love in a life as she looks back upon Janie’s life in the novel, â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†. Taking this subject one step further, Hurston also throws out a question; â€Å"What would marriage be like without love?†Hurston provides an answer directly in Janie’s daydream, which is, ‘bees can not live without flowers’. In â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†, Janie, a main character, goes through her life with three different husbands. Her first husband, Logan Killicks, is a man who, with his wealth, provides her food, shelter, and etc. The second husband, Joe Starks, is a man who does not only have wealth but also has great aspirations in his life. With these two perfect-seeming husbands, Janie, ironically, spends most of her married life with repentance and tears. It was not because Janie is not satisfied with their wealth but because these marriages do not contain love. Consequently, as Janie redefines the concept of marriage during her unpleasant married life with these two husbands, she starts to see marriage from a different point of view; â€Å"A marriage needs love†. With this new point of view toward marriage, she meets a man, Tea Cake and falls in love. Surely, her third marriage with Tea Cake is full of flowers since it contains love. â€Å" ’Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, it’s protection. Ah ain’t gittin’ ole, honey. Ah’m done ole.†...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Media Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Social Media Ethics - Essay Example This essay declares that the use of social media sites posed little danger to personal confidential information. However, as the world of social media became popular, social media sites like twitter and Facebook raised the availability of its products opening ways to new members and networks. The emergence of social media invited an ethical response that view technology as a monolithic power with different vector of impact and influence, one that can either impoverish or constrain human experience of actual world in particular manner. This paper discusses that in the current information age we live in, people have found social media networks to be an indispensable tool for connecting and communicating with each other. It is morally permissible for a person to disseminate information obtained via social media networks with the intention of creating a character profile because through social networks, public forums, media sharing websites and blogs that we are able to create interactive dialogues with others to share experiences and any important information. Despite this, some people argued that it is unethical to share information obtained from social media networks because they believe that social media would slowly fade away in turn exposing their information to dangerous people who might use the information to harm others. Social media continues to grow not just, because it allows people to connect quickly with others but also it provides users with the options of choosing when to connect, whom to connect with and what to share. The networks and ever-connected devices give the answer on the ‘how’ to share information. People on the other hand provide the answer to the question of ‘why’ they share (Wilkins and Patterson 2010, 56-59). Currently, social media serves various purposes among them blogging, collaborative and group interactions, product and service reviews, job interviews, entertainment, selling and buying, advertising and professional networking, to name but a few. From a business perspective, social media has offered businesses of all sizes a â€Å"large variety of opportunities to promote their products, services, and brands.   2The advent of social media such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Youtube has seen millions of people from all over the globe connect, create, and share content like never before (Wilkins and Patterson 71-74). The numerous videos, news, status updates, video views, and comments clearly reflect the enormous participatio n of people in such social networking sites. It is not bad for people especially businesses to use social media for marketing purposes since the essence of marketing is getting the information to reach as many people as possible (Wilkins and Patterson 2010, 79). From a utilitarian perspective, what is of most value and importance is happiness and pleasure. Pain and unhappiness are the things most sought to be avoided. An act is good to the extent that it promotes happiness and bad to the extent that it promotes unhappiness. The way that this is applied as a moral theory guiding one’s actions is that the morally right action is the one, which produces the most happiness, taking into account everyone who will be affected. Another way to say this is that the right action is t
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